:func :title

Donation button

  1. Add an inventory item like "DONATE". The price may be blank or may contain a value.
  2. Insert a button, graphic image or hyperlink with the text you want to display.
  3. Insert a text input box and add an id attribute where the first part of the id is the inventory item of the donation. Concatenate ".price".
  4. Add on onclick attribute with scart.AddToCart() to the button or image


Promotion code

  1. Add an inventory item like "PROMO2D" with a negative price. The price can be "-10%" or "-2.00"
  2. Insert a button, graphic image or hyperlink with the text you want to display.
  3. Insert a text input box and add an id attribute.
  4. Add on onclick attribute with scart.AddToCart('=idpromo') to the button or image. The parameter =idpromo means to use the input control idpromo as the data.
